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 Secure Matters


What is ISO 27001

Information is critical to organisations being able to operate effectively. Therefore managing information security should be a priority for every organisation.

ISO/IEC 27001 (ISO 27001) is an internationally recognised standard for an information security management system (ISMS). Without an ISMS organisations can approach information security in a haphazard way, and in doing so they put their organisation at greater risk.

Using an ISMS helps you understand the gaps there are in your approach to information security. You can then develop a plan to address these gaps. ISO 27001 gives you the framework to do this.

Why Use Secure Matters?

Why Use Secure Matters?

We can help you achieve ISO27001 certification quickly

Our services are designed to provide you with the means to establish, maintain, audit and get ISO 27001 certified. We can help you at all stages of the ISO 27001 lifecycle or just one or two. We can provide advice to help your team or we can provide a ‘done for you’ service where your involvement is kept to just what is necessary.

Training and employing someone to be able to establish, maintain, and audit an ISMS to ISO 27001 standards can be expensive. You might also consider training someone to do this part time; this can still be expensive and will take that person away from their main duties, or as can happen, it will result in them not committing enough time to ISO 27001.

We can provide these services for you using our extensive knowledge and experience in managing information security. We’ll work with your management team to scope out the service you require and provide a fixed cost for its delivery.

Establishing ISO 27001

Establishing ISO 27001

This is the first step on your journey with ISO 27001

We can help you establish your ISO 27001 ISMS. We use a simple process to establish your ISMS in the quickest way possible for your organisation. While every organisation is unique the process for establishing your ISMS is the same, we just adjust the outputs to reflect the needs of your organisation.

ISO 27001 is a framework. When implementing it, we’ll make sure that the framework is used to fit around the way you work.

ISO 27001 Maintenance

ISO 27001 Maintenance

ISO 27001 needs regular work to maintain it

Like all management systems, once it’s established you need to maintain the ISMS so that you know it’s performing effectively. We can provide a service to help you maintain your ISMS; this can be from just a few hours a month. We’ll agree the scope of the service and then provide you with just the right amount of help to ensure that you’re meeting the requirements of the standard. This way when an internal audit is conducted it should progress easily.

We can also work with your team to transfer knowledge to them so you can start to build an in-house capability should you wish.

Auditing ISO 27001

Auditing ISO 27001

ISO 27001 requires that you conduct internal audits

As part of operating your ISMS, ISO 27001 requires that regular internal audits are conducted. The 'regularity' of these internal audits isn't specified as it will vary with the size and complexity of an organisation. We can conduct your internal audits and we can conduct audits on your suppliers (these are also known as first- and second-party audits) should that be part of your ISMS.

We can also arrange third party audits with certification bodies that we have partnered with to complete your ISO 27001 certification journey.

ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 27001 Certification

Certification should be achieved using an accredited certification body

We’ve partnered with some certification bodies so that should you contract with us to establish, maintain, or audit your ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS we can also organise certification for you should you desire. The certification bodies we use are accredited by national accreditation bodies so your interested parties will know that your ISO27001 certification has been independently audited to the required standard.

Book a Call

If you'd like to have a discussion about how we can help you establish, maintain, audit and certify your ISO 27001 ISMS, please book an online call with us.

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If you'd like us to get in touch with you to arrange a call to discuss how we can help you establish, maintain, audit and certify your ISO 27001 ISMS, please complete our contact form and we'll get in touch with you.